Why Bufallos?

Since the first posting on this blog, I find myself answering the same question:

Why this name for an IT blog?

Well, the story that revolves around this name was due to an entrepreneurial attempt we had.

I led the creation and development of a product that was very focused on entrepreneurs. It was a business management tool for people who were starting their business.

During the creation process, I ended up identifying a lot with the project, especially when we need to give a name to the tool in question and to reach a strong name we started to navigate the world of Entrepreneurship and realized that there were many values ​​that could strengthen the brand of our project, but we were having a hard time getting to a definition.

Why do we understand the profile of an entrepreneurial person like:

  • A person who ventures (Is not afraid of the risk);
  • Innovative;
  • You are not afraid of competition (although you know the dangers that revolve around your business);
  • Courageous;
  • Determined;
  • Strong;
  • Resistant;
  • Among other aspects.

Faced with the difficulty in finding a name (for a tool) that generated a resemblance to entrepreneurship, we ended up in the animal world. And it was there that we found the image of BUFALLO that is an animal:

  • Strong;
  • Intelligent;
  • Courageous (why he fights his opponents very well);
  • Tough (he can resist attacks and do well);
  • Among other qualities of this animal.

But, the quality that caught our attention and led us to define the name of the tool was that:

The Bufallo is an animal that walks in flock and are animals that help each other.

After a while the tool was discontinued but, I got the brand and the name. And the reason for naming the blog as BUFALLOS is precisely for the purpose of
help by passing a bit of our experience.

So the invitation, BECOME A BUFFALO and influence people to be better professionals.

Strong hug.

Eduardo Santana